Paschall Power Newsletter Volume 3

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Welcome friends and family to a New Year and the (3rd) edition of the Paschall Power Newsletter We are gracious and give praise to the (Most High) for giving us the faith, strength, and ability to keep moving forward every day!
⦁ Special Accessibility Note; if you are reading this Newsletter with a screen reader, we suggest activating your “say all feature,” and enjoy the entire experience hands free, including the accessible images and other items that will be described!
⦁ Please grab a moment to take in the below quote from Winston Churchill
“Success is not Final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts!”

Now, as we journey into the new year, it is essential to celebrate the resilience and strength that defines our Paschall Power readers, and the community of Access technology users who continue to abolish and destroy boundaries and have the fortitude to excel by any digital means necessary, here’s to you!

⦁ Let’s move into some great tech/blind related news that has been handpicked, accessible and pretty awesome all around. Anyone into “Smart Glasses,” not REALLY SURE? WELL, COME focus in on the below article, the “Acoustic Touch,” smart glasses utilize echo and sound to alert the low vision and blind of obstacles and items within the glass’s perimeter. (Paschall Power) feels that these glasses could be a great aid when the low vision or blind person is at home looking for items “where’s my keys,” or even in an unfamiliar space, identifying tables, couches, trees and even metal poles when traveling. Wearable smart glasses are an emerging technology that’s gaining popularity in the assistive technologies industry. Assistive technology is any item, piece of equipment, software program or product system that is designed to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities.,
A blind participant uses the acoustic touch system. Researchers from Sidney, Australia have developed the innovative Acoustic Touch Smart Glasses with focus on enhancing the lives of the vision impaired, activate the below You Tube video link for more information
Acoustic Touch: Enabling Vision via Sound for the Blind – YouTube⦁ Even with all the screen reader software advancements, numerous websites are still inaccessible to low vision and blind!
Imagine that you have low vision or blind and you’re completing an online job application using screen reader software. You get through half the form and then come to a question with drop-down options the screen reader cannot access because the online form doesn’t conform to accessibility standards. Time wasted, and no amount of access technology training can get you past this digital hurdle without assistance. Yes, there has been strong advancements in screen reading software, as they interface with online content, yet even with these advancements, we still find ourselves with (online inaccessibility). Here’s an insightful perspective on the current digital accessible online landscape, activate the below link for more
Digital Inaccessibility: Blind and Low-Vision People Have Powerful Tech but Still Face Digital Barriers (⦁ Emilie Gossiaux found meaning and art in a bond with her dog, London, and now they are celebrated in a live show in the Queens Museum, New York NYC!
Emilie Gossiaux, an artist who is blind, with “White Cane Maypole Dance” (2023), an installation featuring papier-mâché dog-women dancing, at her first solo museum exhibition! Paschall Power salutes Emilie in her groundbreaking performance series and recognize the potential for more blind dancers, and their dongs to” join the jam!” For mor about Emilie and London, activate the below link
Her Guide Dog Inspired Her Art, and Stars in Her Museum Show – The New York Times (⦁ How to change your Siri’s accent and language to new voices and styles!
It’s great to have options, with the new operating systems for the iPhone and Mac, Siri has improved, more voices have been added for your AI conversations, in fact there are now (5 voices) to choose from. Additionally, you may also check out several other Siri settings/options including the below items:
⦁ Listen for “Hey Siri or just Siri,” when communicating.
⦁ Choose to press the side-button to activate Siri.
⦁ Allow to communicate with Siri when the device is locked.
⦁ Choose types of Siri responses
⦁ Choose to ask Siri to “announce calls and hang up calls.”
⦁ Announce iPhone notifications.
⦁ In the future, we are looking forward to a smarter Siri in general, but she is still awesome and has opened many doors for accessibility within the mobile device industry for the vision impaired. You may read on and activate the below link for more information, and get some quick directions for making these changes to your own device or devices💡
How to Change Siri’s Accent or Language | Lifehacker⦁ Special Alert, Paschall Access Solutions or (PASS) for short, provides (one on one/individual and team/group) training on the iPhone and other I Device operating systems, special focus is dedicated to *Voiceover *Siri *Maintaining the system *App Store/Accessible Apps *Mobile Web Browsing, accessible travel and more; PASS is a State Approved Provider (SAP) of Access Technology training in the State of Pennsylvania
⦁ Need to brush-up on your iPhone or related device skills or don’t know where to begin? You can start your journey by activating the below link and reaching out to our training team, we have been in your shoes
Contact us – (⦁ Three Paschall Powerful steps to achieving your personal success this year!
⦁ define your vision and clearly articulate your goals and aspirations for the year ahead:
“Having clear focus on the tasks at hand is the first step towards achieving your goals,
⦁ Implement realistic objectives; Don’t try to do everything overnight, pace yourself.
“Steadily work towards your goals broken down into objectives, using smaller, usable increments, perhaps dedicate (15 to 20 minutes) a few times a week for working on these objectives, then pick up your momentum as you move forward, and always celebrate every milestone, no matter how big or small.”
⦁ prioritize self-care and keep a strong support system:
“Start with being the best you, then surround yourself with positive, likeminded people, this way you can grow with a team who all believe in each other’s goals and vision.”Last, but not least, our Paschall Power Star’ for the month of January goes to the late spiritual leader Minister Richard Allen.
Bishops of the AME Church (Library of Congress)⦁ Minister Richard Allen founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) during a time when accessibility to the church for Negroes was extremely limited. Moreover, Minister Allen actually “brought is freedom,” after being born a slave. This type of determination and willingness to continue to “reach higher,” can only be admired, recognized, and saluted!
Here’s more about Minister Richard Allen, followed by a link you can activate for more information
⦁ Richard Allen | Minister | 1760-1831
A minister, educator and writer, this Philadelphia native founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first independent Black denomination in the United States. He opened the first AME church in Philly in 1794. Born into slavery, he bought his freedom in the 1780s and joined St. George’s Church. Because of seating restrictions placed on Blacks to be confined to the gallery, he left to form his own church. In 1787 he turned an old Blacksmith shop into the first church for Blacks in the United States.
Richard Allen and the Origins of the AME Church – Rediscovering Black History (⦁ On behalf of the Paschall Power Newsletter team, we thank you for reading. Do you have any questions, suggestions for content or may be interested in submitting an article for future releases? drop us a line at the link below
Contact us – (⦁ Consider Donating! Paschall Power thanks and appreciates all donations that aids in keeping us moving forward, “growth occurs through individual effort, community support and the generosity of those with integrity and power,” please activate the below link for our donation page
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