Paschall Power Newsletter Volume 2

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Welcome to the second edition of the (Paschall Power) newsletter, with blessings and faith we have found ourselves at the end of 2023. In terms of accessibility, several apps and software updates have pushed our community forward, including “Accessible Pharmacy, be My Eyes, Seeing AI,” and even major updates to the iPhone’s Magnification feature, located under the accessibility settings, and wow, the description is very accurate.

Moreover, President BIDEN  confirmed America’s commitment to enhancing employment for the disabled, here is a quote from the President: “During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we recognize the immense contributions of disabled Americans, and we recommit to delivering America’s full promise of equal dignity, respect, and opportunity for every American”. The commitment continues here: “My Administration has also ended the use of unfair sub‑minimum wages in Federal contracts, which previously allowed employers to pay workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage for federally contracted workers.   “.

Paschall Power also understands the daily fight for equality in safe housing for the low vision and blind, public education and accessible voting to elect officials that understand our issues and needs, from the younger generations to our fantastic silver-shoes seniors, legislation is the only path to change

Now, since we are in a festive season and previously mentioned apps and software, let’s get started with a few “fully blind accessible cell phone alternatives,” for those that are looking for something a bit different than iPhones, Androids and others! Keep reading below for our highlights:

  • Smartvision-3 Smart Phone:

This smart phone has a tactile keypad for those with vision loss, here’s some more information, followed by the direct link; “The smartphone is perfect for people who are blind or visually impaired who want the power and features of a smartphone but find it difficult to control a device exclusively through touchscreen gestures. Unlike any other smartphone, the SmartVision 3 can be fully controlled through either a tactile keypad with large buttons and audio feedback, the normal touchscreen TalkBack gestures, or voice commands. For more activate the below link💡

RAZ Mobility | Next Generation Assistive Technology

  • BlindShell Classic-2:

The BlindShell Classic 2 is packed with an array of time-saving features designed to enhance the lives of visually impaired individuals. With Aira integration, users can access live visual assistance, receiving real-time guidance and information for effortless navigation. The inclusion of Alexa brings voice-controlled convenience, enabling users to manage their daily tasks, control smart devices, and access a wealth of information hands-free. Google Lookout integration provides object recognition capabilities, allowing users to quickly identify text, currency, food packaging labels, and objects in their surroundings. WayAround integration offers efficient organization by allowing users to tag and label items for easy identification. With these and many more innovative features, the BlindShell Classic 2 saves time, enhances accessibility, and empowers visually impaired individuals to live independently and confidently in a fast-paced world. Now, you can quickly check out a You tube video on this accessible cell phone by activating the below link💡

BlinShell Classic 2, the best mobile phone for the blind – YouTube

Go straight to the web site by activating the below link💡

Official Site – BlindShell Classic 2 Accessible Cell Phone | BlindShell USA

  • Increasing access to assistive technology and rehabilitation for people living with diabetes:

In the low vision and blind communities, exercise and fitness, along with poor eating habits greatly increase the risk for diabetes, for us, simply locating adequate and accessible gyms or fitness centers are almost impossible to find. Accordingly, this serious health issue affects the low vision and blind worldwide, and much worse in less fortunate nations. The number of people with diabetes around the world is rising, with prevalence increasing more rapidly in low- and middle-income countries.

Yet, many people with diabetes around the world do not have access to the essential care they need to manage their condition and help reduce the risk of complications, including blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke, and lower limb amputation.

Assistive technology and rehabilitation play an important role in addressing some of the complications associated with diabetes. For example, a person with diabetes can benefit from rehabilitation involving aerobics, resistance, flexibility, balance and walking exercises for improved sensation, blood flow, joint mobility, mobility and diabetes control in general. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports a global shortage of trained health personnel to provide assistive technology and rehabilitation, estimating that access to assistive technology is as low as 3% in some countries, (1)  and in certain low- and middle-income countries, there are fewer than 10 qualified rehabilitation practitioners per 1 million people. Join the fight in your local area to increase “diabetes awareness,” read more by activating the below link💡

Increasing access to assistive technology and rehabilitation for people living with diabetes (

  • Half off (Screen readers with Windows 11 Online  Courses) continue through 2023:

we can’t show you how to be a tattoo artist, but our accessible online courses are for sure😂

The academy continues to offer all 3 parts of the accessible Screen Reader courses with Windows 11 half off, instruction is online, so you can learn at your own pace. The courses work with NVDA, Narrator and Jaws, and includes essential navigational commands and key accessible optimizations that will make your experience much, much more Screen Reader friendly! Included are easy to understand instruction on the *Desktop and related sections, *The Start Menu and our very useful training on “start menu customizing,” bringing all your important folders back to your fingertips, and finally, but not least the *File Explorer and several useful *Windows Legacy Commands, that will get you moving around like a pro🎉 activate the below link to grab your courses, make sure to include the discount password “PASS Power 2023,” before check out, all proceeds help us continue to push the community forward, the direct link is below💡

Access Academy Courses – (

Finally, our “Paschall Star,” for the month of December 2023, and we are absolutely honored to recognize former first lady, Rosalynn Carter. Mrs. Carter was a tireless fighter of equality for mental health, woman’s rights and much more, here’s a segment from her historic biography: “As first lady of Georgia and the United States, Mrs. Carter worked tirelessly to create what she called “a more caring society.” In the White House, serving as a surrogate for her husband, she made a landmark trip to foster U.S. partnership with Latin America. An activist first lady with her own bold agenda, she created a distinct East Wing office from which she set about helping disadvantaged people. Her efforts challenged age discrimination for older adults, encouraged opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, and advanced women’s equality”. For more, activate the below link💡

Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady and Founder of The Carter Center

Warm regards,

Paschall Access Solutions

“For a new generation of blind computer users”

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