Somatic Siri with #ChatGPT, not so fast, along with other #WWDC #AppleIntelligence Features!

An image showing a mac, iPad, and iPhone displaying the new Apple Intelligence capabilities.

  • So WWDC came and passed, we have some accessibility upgrades (big time) coming, but when? And who will benefit from all the Apple Intelligence software that is groundbreaking. Everyone must know that the new “Somatic Siri,” will only be available on iPhones #15Pro’s and above, which will be especially useful to blind users of the iOS platform, especially seniors and those needing to use their voice to accomplish tasks, receive information and so much more.

Of course, Siri was not the only goodie in accessibility, activate below for a full summary of WWDC 2024

Everything Announced at WWDC 2024 (

  • Paschall Summer of Accessible Presentations, is now a few weeks away and the response has been great, we do still have room for more to join, simply activate the below link and zip over to our #Googlesurvey page, the survey is to get a grasp on your likes and dislikes and to ensure you’re a human being with good intentions, our tech team will follow up and don’t forget all will be instantly inserted into our #DigitalRaffle which we will give away (3) #Thank You gifts for attending, the entire Paschall team hopes to see you in cyber world, activate below

Event registration (

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