SolidddVision Smart Glasses,” specifically made for those with Macular Degeneration! At CES Tech 2025!

  • The accessible smart glasses field has just witnessed its first devices specifically intended for people with Macular Degeneration (MD). The Brooklynn, NYC based company introduced its (4th edition) of their “SolidddVision, smart glasses at this years CES tech conference.”

According to (CDC) 13% of Americans over the age of forty, witness some type of MD, which makes the SolidddVision’s absolutely awesome! Check out the below information  on how SolidddVision works:

“The specialized array of lenses projects multiple images to undamaged parts of the retina, these images are then synthesized by the brain into a single, clear, and focused view.”

  • Activate the below link for more about SolidddVision, ACCESSIBLE smart glasses for people with MD💡

SolidddVision: Revolutionizing Accessibility for People with Macular Degeneration – Tech Uncut

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