Paschall Power Newsletter Volume 9

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Welcome friends and family to the ninth edition of our Paschall Power newsletter, it’s hot in Philly as we create this edition, yet catch the vibes, as we are sending cool comfort and blessings to all who are receiving this July edition of our newsletter, thank you for allowing the Paschall Power family to join your day!
·· Accessibility Note; if you are reading this Newsletter with a screen reader, we suggest activating your “say all feature,” and enjoy the entire experience hands free, including the accessible images and other items that will be described, you may also move by headings to jump between articles!Please grab a moment to take in the below quote from Christopher Reeve· “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure despite overwhelming obstacles.
Let’s get into some great tech news📰Microsoft Clip Champ & Accessible Social Video Posting, our first success!
·· We would like to thank all for joining our first of (3) summer presentations, there were some technical issues with Microsoft Teams, but we got through it, shout out to our special gift winners. Great social (video) networking posts can really help everyone, from spreading the word about your small business, highlight your blind-life cooking skills, Bible group or just about anything else, short, interesting video posts are awesome and using the new (TTS) voices takes things to the next level.In the next few weeks our team will release the video recording of the actual Clip Champ presentation, please keep a look out in our PASS Power Blogs. Lastly, we will be announcing our next presentation shortly, in the meantime please activate the below link about Microsoft Clip Champ & its amazing accessible AI capabilities💡Use a screen reader to explore and navigate in Clipchamp editor – Microsoft SupportAI is not the end of the world, here are more practical ways it can revolutionize access for the blind!
Dibakar Ghosh / How-To Geek / MidJourney· As the world turns, so does artificial intelligence and none of us can escape it, for moral, equality seeking individuals for the blind, the technology could be a true changer in several areas, lets talk mobility and education. For mobility, future AI Smart Glasses can be a tool when out in the community, not by just identifying and describing things around the blind user, but alerting the user of upcoming traffic, curbs, emergency areas and more.For instance, this technology would be like the automatic car alert systems, including lane departure, object alerts when getting close to a vehicle and other objective detection functionality. True artificial intelligent voice assistants are also emerging as a possible access technology tool in education, using (GPT) based systems with the next generation of processors, chips and real-time information can tremendously cut down research time for school reports, help structure documents with intelligent thought and even adapt to your writing style pattern. For additional ways AI can be a leading force in society and not the end of morals, activate the below link💡AI Isn’t All Apocalypse: Here Are 7 Things I’m Excited About (“Is it us or our cell phone signals getting worse?” here’s some tips for better connections📱📱📱
· The mobile phone industry continues to change, more and more satellites are being launched in the sky, yet cell phone connectivity and web connections are going down, very weird. In years past, mobile carriers such as AT&T dominated coverage and was generally known as the golden standard of cell phone service, not anymore, the connection game has changed.Today there are various types of services depending on your needs, Generally the big (3) are now T-Mobile, Verizon & At&T, plus several off-set companies using the same network satellites as the big three, but under different names, service options and area locations. Saying all of that, we all suffer from connection issues at some time or another, yes consumers went from 3G to 5G to still have calls drop, GPS directions go berserk and no service at all in some rural areas. Well family and friends, we have a link to follow that can help you get the best signal connection possible with your device, no matter your location, mash your enter key on the link below, for some great signal connection tips💡Need a Stronger Cell Phone Signal? Try These Tricks for Better Reception on iPhone or Android – CNETBitdefender Antivirus, a free virus protection alternative for (Windows/Androids & Macs) plus has #Live #CustomerSupport
·· Just before compiling our finishing touches for this edition, we received an email tip on an upcoming and promising (free antivirus) application. Now, blind computer users have been targets and victims of bad antivirus applications that are free, however our ears perked up when we read that Bitdefender has a (free version with live customer support).What are some additional goodies that make Bitdefender any good? Check out below:· Free antivirus protection that stops even the fastest-evolving attacks· Runs silently in the background and stays out of your way.· Impossibly light on CPU (will not slow down your computer)· Live customer support included (unlike other free antivirus software)If you’re looking for another free antivirus program, or are interested in what you have read about Bitdefender, below you will find a link to their home page, as in any antivirus software, do your research and weigh your needs, however, Bitdefender may be just what you are looking for💡Bitdefender Free Antivirus for Windows – Download Software“Solos Smart Eyewear, first camera glasses with GPT 4.0 pushes Meda Ray-Ban Smart Glasses aside!
· Several editions back we wrote that “technology competition,” is good for consumers, and right now it’s getting extremely hot in the smart glasses arena. The new heavy weight on the scene is #Solos #Smart #Eyewear and the name of these AI intelligence based smart glasses are “ArGo Vision.” The ArGo vision’s sounds promising, especially with the (GPT 4.0) and its other capabilities, below is a direct quote from their web site:“Equipped with GPT-4o, a more robust version of ChatGPT, users can create their very own assistant; Powered by a camera, these technologies combined empower these glasses with the gift of super sight.” Yes, the above did say #Super #Sight so we had to alert our readers about these new smart glasses. Lastly, much of this Paschall Power edition highlighted accessible or extremely near accessible artificial intelligence software and wearable hardware that can upgrade our lives, much of the spoken items have other alternatives available right now, our aim is to alert you of promising options and how they can adapt into your individual life, and of course #Accessible and #Reliable. For more about the ArGo Vision smart glasses by Solos, activate the below link💡World’s 1st smart glasses with GPT-4o identify objects, answer queries ( Paschall Power Star of the MonthWe have now come to the end of our ninth edition of the Paschal Power Newsletter, and you know what that means right, ahh yes, the Paschall Power Star of the month of July, and this month is sort of a double honor, firstly our team member (Jay) or Jason Miller has been elected this years Durwood K McDaniel (East coast/first timers award) from the American Council of the Blind, although Jay is not our Paschall Power Star, amongst Jay’s achievements is having one of America’s only #AfroTech access technology training organizations. However, our Paschall Power Star for July goes to Mr. Durwood K McDaniel or (DKM). DKM was the father of (ACB) and was a tireless fighter for equality of the blind & civil rights, earning our newsletter’s top honor. As a well-spoken, intense, and empathetic person, DKM broke boundaries, expanded hope for the blind and changed the dynamics for members of (ACB) and blind people across America, here’s to Mr. McDaniel! Please read more about DKM below, followed by a link, continuing his amazing story💡
To be successful and command respect, a fledgling organization needs a guiding spirit, an organizer, a motivator and even a cheerleader. For the nascent American Council of the Blind six decades ago these roles were filled by a visually impaired attorney and visionary from Oklahoma, Durward K. McDaniel who made his initial imprint on the blindness movement by joining the July 1961 “march across the street” in Kansas City to found a new advocacy organization for the blind. In 1968, armed with an education from the Oklahoma School for the Blind, undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Oklahoma andFor more about Durwood K McDaniel, activate the below link💡Durward K. McDaniel | American Council of the Blind (👌On behalf of the Paschall Power Newsletter team, we thank you for reading. Do you have any questions, suggestions for content or may be interested in submitting an article for future releases? drop us a line at the link below💡Contact us – (

👌Consider Donating! Paschall Power sincerely thanks and appreciates all donations that aids in keeping us moving forward, “growth occurs through individual effort, community support and the generosity of those with integrity and power,” please activate the below link for our donation page💡Consider Donating – (
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