Paschall Power Newsletter Volume 5

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Welcome friends and family to the “power edition,” of our newsletter, why power you say? Because it’s our 5th edition and we feel powerful, Paschall Power volume Five. First of all, we lift our hands far up to the sky and give praises to the Highest, for guidance of this edition, and so you the reader receive our accessible information in positive energy and vibrations!
· Accessibility Note; if you are reading this Newsletter with a screen reader, we suggest activating your “say all feature,” and enjoy the entire experience hands free, including the accessible images and other items that will be described, you may also move by headings to jump between articles!Please grab a moment to take in the below quote from Emily Dickinson💡“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.”

Let’s get into some great tech news📰Power, or the ability to do or act pertains to many things we do every day, from having the power to conquer your fears, or even leveraging the power of accessibility to independently control aspects of our lives. Let’s face it, accessible power gives us the ability to grow, define our paths and in practical terms, can increase independence in, out and around the home. For instance, many of us use the power of the Echo Speaker technology to receive information, drop in on family and friends from anywhere, make contact telephone calls (now has restrictions) turn on lights and adjust room temperatures, start washing machine and driers and more; but did you know that the echo show edition with Alexa can also act as an monitoring system for your home, dormitory room or apartment? With the speaker itself, or your choice of accessible security cameras, such as ring & Blink, you can use voice commands to access the live camera feed from anywhere, and even speak to people outside and inside your location.
BlinkFor more about accessible home monitoring with the Echo Show & Alexa, activate the following link💡How to use the Echo Show as a security camera | Digital TrendsBeat-box like Dougie fresh & use Voice controls to harness the power of Vision Pro📰
The new apple Vision Pros are the new wearable giant, the powerful digital goggle-type head device are accessibly robust. The technology found in the Apple vision Pro’s relate directly to many iOS devices, with an app store, notes app and web browser, the operating system is called “Vision OS,” moreover, we are most impressed with the “Sound Actions & Voice Controls,” features found in the accessibility settings. Voice Controls allow the user to speak out commands to perform within the system, but Sound actions require the user to make noises and sounds with their mouth to access commands, when paired together can be very interesting. Accessibility features such as these and several others, hopefully will open future doors of essential daily independence. In the meantime, practice your beat boxing skills from the late 80’s, Paschal Power heard that was popular along with the Dougie fresh dance and songs like “The Show!”
Activate the You Tube video below on how accessibility found in the Apple Vision Pros can possibly be one of the most promising wearable devices for the low vision, blind and many other disabilities designed in decades💡Apple Vision Pro Accessibility Features: Navigating Without Hands ( (Swift & Aspire) Laptop models include dedicated keys for CoPilot actions📰
Moving forward in 2024 Acer has given select models of their Laptops dedicated CoPilot keys for achieving tasks, in the past, Paschall Power has written about the usefulness of CoPilot for gaining information and various ways of searching. In fact, we have begun to really enjoy the automatic voice generated “pre search overview,” spoken, before navigating manually to search results. To expand on the above, when accessing the Edge web browser and performing a search from the Address Bar, a spoken voice will give you a pre-overview of your result, this is very helpful when seeking quick information, like the location of a train station or airport, or even a quick rundown of your favorite college basketball teams schedule. Additionally, the physical keys on the Acer Swift & Aspire models can be very useful to low vision and blind users, due to the physical nature of the keys in general; this will allow us to directly get to the CoPilot’s instantly without needing to activate a web browser or other methods. Activate the below link for more about the Acer Swift & Aspire Laptops with dedicated CoPilot keys💡Acer refreshes its Swift and Aspire laptops with Intel Core Ultra and dedicated Copilot keys (! Stop texting me, conspicuously turn off select iPhone text messages💡
Credit: Shutterstock/tinhkhuongPut the pause on that overzealous auntie who just received her first iPhone and wants to tell you about all the features, or that friend, of a friends cousin who you met at the party who is generally “friends limited,” and very needy😂 Perhaps you have been included into a group message chat with over 20 people, because the guys are all trying to come up with a surprise birthday party for another good buddy, awesome, but your iPhone keeps vibrating every 45 seconds, no worries, don’t activate the “do not disturb,” there is a better world under the sun! Now, no one needs to know that you are shady, just kidding, but seriously, the person or group that you are putting on pause or technically “muting,” will not know that they are being muted, and you will not receive any more text messages until you unmute the person or group. Additionally, you can create your own “focus mode,” to reduce notification distractions, these modes can include the default selections “personal, sleep and work,” plus you can create your own custom focus mode for a specific contact or contacts and even allow selected individuals to notify you during custom created focus modes. Activate the below link for muting messages, contacts & groups, plus focus modes💡How to Mute Text Message Notifications on Your iPhone | LifehackerThe Paschall Power Star of the MonthThe Paschall Power Newsletter has now come to the end of our 5th edition or the “power edition,” and the time has come, that we are going to “March,” on to our Paschall Power Star for the month of March, you did see what we did there right? Anyway, it’s our absolute honor to announce that the late and human and civil rights supporting great Mr. Tony Bennet, is our Power Star of the month. Tony Bennett’s legacy extends far beyond his melodic voice, reflecting his commitment to justice, philanthropy, and intellectual pursuits. Recently Stevie Wonder along with other musical greats dedicated a performance to Tony Bennet during the 2024 grammy’s, but Paschall Power has found another fantastic live performance of Tony and Stevie when the late great Tony Bennet was alive, which you can enjoy just below; however, one amazing story about Tony Bennet involves Harry Bellefonte. Mr. Bellefonte invited Bennett to join Martin Luther King Jr.’s voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965, Bennett accepted without hesitation. In closing, the above Stevie Wonder and Tony singing live link is below, along with a great handpicked article further highlighting Tony Bennet’s amazing legacy. Stevie Wonder & Tony Bennet singing live💡Tony Bennett With Stevie Wonder – For Once In My Life ( look at Tony Bennet’s stand on equal justice💡Tony Bennett, enraged by racism, championed civil rights alongside MLK (

👌On behalf of the Paschall Power Newsletter team, we thank you for reading. Do you have any questions, suggestions for content or may be interested in submitting an article for future releases? drop us a line at the link below💡Contact us – (

👌Consider Donating! Paschall Power sincerely Thanks and appreciates all donations that aids in keeping us moving forward, “growth occurs through individual effort, community support and the generosity of those with integrity and power,” please activate the below link for our donation page💡Consider Donating – (

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