Paschall Power Newsletter Volume 4

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Welcome friends and family to the fourth edition of the Paschall Power Newsletter🎉We are gracious and give all our praises to the (Most High) for perception, inspiration, and the spiritual vision to just journey through another day!
👍Special first ever Black History Month editionØ Accessibility Note; if you are reading this Newsletter with a screen reader, we suggest activating your “say all feature,” and enjoy the entire experience hands free, including the accessible images and other items that will be described!Ø Please grab a moment to take in the below quote from Nikki Giovanni💡“We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again.”

Ø Let’s get into some great tech news📰Innovation and technology are the machine that has moved society forward into modern times, from reaching the moon to personal computers, gaming systems and mobile devices, to voice-controlled watches, drones, and glasses, and of course access technology that gives digital sight to the sightless. As we move forward, influential Black Americans’ that have contributed significantly to technology and related post’s, will be sprinkled in, these handpicked leaders have been found for their excellence, leadership and for changing society. Let’s talk web-meetings, zoom, or google, right? Access technology in web meetings has exploded in recent years, but now you can enjoy a web meeting directly on your big screen TV, your I Device & the Apple TV-OS box! Better yet, you can control meeting functions using Siri, Paschall Power feels this is a great breakthrough for gathering low vision, blind and sighted team members together for an accessible web meeting. For more about the new Web X app for the Apple TV, activate the below link💡Webex Apple TV app now available (

Ø Accessible Spiderman game for PlayStation📰
(Image credit: Insomniac Games)Accessible gaming has been a favorite past time for many low vision & blind people, from Jim Kitchen’s “Trucker,” to the recent fully accessible game titles for the Xbox and PlayStation home consoles. Audio gaming is a terrific way to relax and evaluate your auditory senses, Spiderman for the PlayStation is another title that has captured the audio gaming community. If you haven’t witnessed commercially released titles, the experience and controller “hack tics and other accessibility options,” allow low vision & blind users to become fully immersed in game play. Assess your skills in action events, progress through storylines and even compete with other blind gamers. Inclusivity notes, this game has accessibility options for both the low vision & blind, recent updates to the “text to speech,” engine has made advancements for fully blind gamers. there are also accessible controllers that can be of great assistance. For audio gamers looking for titles, you can find games for the PC, mobile devices and on commercially released consoles, check out Audio Games-Net for numerous free & paid audio games. Activate the below link for more info on the new Spiderman Xbox game💡Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 accessibility features include support for PS5 Access controller | TechRadarØ Did you know this Black History fact about gaming📰The late computer Engineer Gerald “Jerry,” Anderson was responsible for innovation of the first cartridge-based game console, and since the 1970’s has contributed significantly to microchip development in gaming and has been recognized and awarded by the gaming industry, including the Xbox corporation. Jerry, a Black leader in gaming technology was an expert electronic engineer known for designing the Fairchild Channel F video game console, he was often called “the father of modern gaming, “and has a permanent display at the World Video Game, hall of fame in NYC, New York.activate the below link for more about Jerry Lawson💡Gerald “Jerry” Lawson: Inventor of the First Home Gaming Console with Interchangeable Cartridge | Washington D.C. & Maryland Area | Capitol Technology University (

Copilot is a multi-platform monster, and accessible📰
Microsoft Copilot is here, and if used properly can be an especially useful tool in accessible web and mobile independence. The explosion of information (Bots) has slowly, but surely dominated the field of contemporary computing. We have watched Microsoft, Apple and Google release and upgrade their products with remarkable apps that use “generative AI,” Including Bard/Gemini, Copilot, Siri, and Alexa. Accessible information has never been easier to obtain, download the app, review the interface and start opening a new world of knowledge. Although Chat GPt premium is subscription based, the iOS Copilot app utilizes advanced data found in GPT 4.0 WITH NO SUBSCRIPTION. Copilot is also integrated into Windows 11, voice-controlled searching is especially useful and intuitive.Paschall Power enjoyed the “image description function,” and from our iPhone, we uploaded several pics with various people and backgrounds, the feedback and description of everything from the pic was outstanding, including identifying locations, particulars like the weather and even expressions on faces.For more about what you can do with Copilot, activate the below link 💡7 ways to use Microsoft Copilot right | Computerworld

Ø Accessible Sporting tech News📰Google Pixel 8, the Superbowl and blind people in love💕
(Image credit: Nick Sutrich / Android Central)“Google Superbowl Commercial shows Ai camera feature for the blind!”The new Android Pixel 8 is a blind man’s new love tool, literally! Seriously, the upcoming Superbowl will feature a new commercial highlighting a new camera feature from the Pixel 8, the “Guided Frame feature,” uses artificial intelligence to help visually impaired people take the perfect shot. The commercial reportedly logs a blind man’s romance, this should be remarkably interesting. Activate the below link for more about the Pixel 8 & the Superbowl Ad💡Google highlights a life-changing Pixel feature in BTS video for Super Bowl ad | Android Central

Ø Philadelphia’s “Beep Baseball Team,” continues to encourage and uplift blind athletes📰The National (Beep Baseball Association,” provides adaptive baseball to blind athletes, and gives a sense of hope and team togetherness that we truly need. Working out as blind people in general is difficult, but keeping in shape and having fun at the same time is a no brainer. Beep Baseball allows the ball and bases to be heard loudly “by a loud beep), so that the player who is blind can hit, then run safely to the bases. The Philadelphia Beep Baseball team has been around for ten years. For more about Beep Baseball, activate the below link💡Blind athletes can swing big on Philly’s ‘Beep Baseball’ Team – 6abc Philadelphia

Ø Did you know this Black History fact about baseball💡
Hank “Hammer in’ Hank,” Aaron was the legendary Black home run hitter who shattered Babe Ruth’s home run record. During Hank’s illustrious career he often witnessed discrimination, even thousands of hate mail, often aimed at Hank quitting and threats to his life. As disabled people, we encounter the same disappointing discrimination, maybe not as far as threats to our lives, but in many situations in life, like Uber rides with guide dogs, full workplace accessibility and even in various forms of entertainment; yet most of us share an unstoppable force of determination, resilience and the power to never give up, like Hank, the hammer. As mentioned, on August 8, 1974, the “hammer,” cracked Ruth’s long standing home run record, earning his (715th home run) which stood for thirty years. In 1984 Hank Aaron was inducted into the MLB baseball hall of fame with (755 total home runs). For more about Hank “Hammer in’ Hank,” Aaron and his amazing story, activate the below link💡Hank Aaron, Baseball Hall of Famer and former home run king, dies | CNN

Ø How does the blind understand Astronomy? 📰
Credit: SplitShire (Pixabay)The vision impaired & blind can now enjoy various ways of understanding the planets, stars and universe and several astronomy concepts by using tactile aids, Sonification and even alternative text. Science class for the vision impaired & blind has traditionally been challenging, However NASA has also created 3D tactile representations of images from the Hubble space telescope, giving the vision impaired & blind a “feel,” of the landscape. Paschall Power looks forward to continued science and Astronomy advancements for future generations, activate the below links for more about the NASA Hubble telescope program, a musical listen to the Moon and a taste of Sonification💡Link (1) Hubble Telescope Program💡Hubble Images Become Tactile 3-D Experience for the Blind – NASA ScienceLink (2) Sound sample of the Moon Sonification💡MOON IMPACTS – SYSTEM Sounds ( (3) The Astronomy for the blind program💡Making astronomy accessible to the blind

We have now come to the end of our first Black History edition of the Paschall Power Newsletter, and our fourth newsletter overall, so you know what that means, our Paschall Power Star for Black History Month! Now, how about an actual human computer, this amazing Black woman was a human computer for (NACA) which would eventually become (NASA). Talking about breaking boundaries, this childhood prodigy graduated High School at (14) and College at (18), how about she is also responsible for mathematical calculations that sent the first American in space and the historic Apollo (11) moon landing. Mrs. Johnson personifies “Black girl Power,” and is someone for all of us to literally “look up to,” for more about Katherine Johnson, read below and activate the additional link💡
Katherine Johnson was a mathematician and NASA pioneer who broke barriers of race and gender in the field of space exploration. Johnson, born in 1918 in West Virginia, was a child prodigy who graduated from high school at 14 and college at 18. She joined NASA’s predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), in 1953 as one of the first Black women to work as a human computer. She calculated the trajectories, launch windows and emergency return paths for many historic missions, including the first American in space, Alan Shepard, the first American in orbit, John Glenn, and the first moon landing, Apollo 11. Johnson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015 by President Barack Obama, and her life and work were depicted in the 2016 film Hidden Figures. Johnson died in 2020 at the age of 101.For more about the incredible Katherine Johnson, activate the below link💡Katherine Johnson Biography – NASA

👌On behalf of the Paschall Power Newsletter team, we thank you for reading. Do you have any questions, suggestions for content or may be interested in submitting an article for future releases? drop us a line at the link below💡Contact us – (

👌Consider Donating! Paschall Power sincerely thanks and appreciates all donations that aids in keeping us moving forward, “growth occurs through individual effort, community support and the generosity of those with integrity and power,” please activate the below link for our donation page💡Consider Donating – (

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