Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk is now powered by Be My AI, Be My AI Teams Up with Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk


Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk took a creative step forward by integrating Be My AI™, an AI visual assistant created by Be My Eyes. This ground-breaking collaboration represents a turning point in accessible technology as it attempts to improve the quality of customer care provided to those who are blind or have low vision.

Be My AI™: A Revolutionary Tool for Visual Support

Be My AI™  is an AI-powered tool that has been painstakingly designed to accurately describe photos for those who are visually impaired. Its main goal is to make it possible for businesses to provide state-of-the-art description services specifically designed for clients who are blind or have low vision. Be My AI™  is a leader in efficiency in this field, having solved customer concerns with an exceptional success rate of over 90% and significantly reducing call handling times.

Integration with Microsoft Disability Answer Desk

The Disability Answer Desk now uses Be My AITM on a large scale thanks to the partnership between Be My Eyes and Microsoft. Customers who are blind or have low vision can now easily access extensive customer service that covers a wide range of complex issues pertaining to Microsoft products and services thanks to this integration.

3S Success Criteria™ Met by Be My AI™

Be My AI™ successfully fulfills the 3S Success Criteria™, encompassing three essential aspects: Success, Speed, and Satisfaction.

  • Success: A staggering 90% resolution rate minimizes the need for human agent escalation to a mere 10%.
  • Speed: Resolving issues in an average time of 4 minutes per interaction, Be My AI™ significantly outpaces live agent support.
  • Satisfaction: Garnering high customer satisfaction ratings averaging 4.85 out of five stars, the effectiveness of this AI-driven approach is unmistakable.

Testimonials and Acknowledgments

Esteemed leaders from Be My Eyes, OpenAI , and Microsoft express their pride and enthusiasm for this impactful collaboration. They emphasize the AI’s profound ability to enhance the lives of individuals coping with low vision or blindness.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Be My AI™ revolutionizes the customer support landscape by providing rapid, automated assistance for Microsoft-related queries through natural language conversations. Furthermore, it extends its accessibility features to cater to Deaf-blind customers by offering text-based responses compatible with Braille displays.

Impact and Future Outlook

The integration of Be My AI™ signifies a monumental leap forward in bolstering accessible customer service. With the global population of blind or low vision individuals on the rise, such initiatives become indispensable in fostering inclusive environments for all.


Microsoft’s integration of Be My AI™ stands as a testament to its unwavering commitment to accessibility and empowerment for individuals with disabilities. This innovative endeavor paves the way for more streamlined and effective support solutions, underscoring the immense potential of AI in shaping a more inclusive world.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How does Be My AI™ enhance customer service for individuals with visual impairments?

Be My AI™ enhances customer service by providing real-time visual assistance through AI technology, helping with tasks like reading text, identifying objects, and navigating surroundings for individuals with visual impairments.

What distinguishes Be My AI™ from traditional customer support methods?

Be My AI™ stands out for using advanced AI and visual recognition technologies, offering real-time visual assistance, unlike traditional methods primarily reliant on verbal communication.

Are there any limitations to Be My AI™ in assisting blind or low vision customers?

Be My AI™ may have limitations in complex tasks requiring human judgment or interpretation and in challenging environments with poor lighting or unclear visual information. Ongoing advancements aim to improve its capabilities.

How does Microsoft’s collaboration with Be My Eyes benefit individuals with disabilities?

Microsoft’s collaboration expands accessibility by integrating Be My AI™ into the Disability Answer Desk, providing enhanced visual assistance and empowering individuals with disabilities to navigate digital platforms more independently.

What future advancements can be expected in the field of accessible technology post-Be My AI™ integration?

Post-integration, expect improvements in AI algorithms for better visual recognition, advancements in wearable tech and AR for enhanced real-time assistance, personalized solutions, collaborative innovation, and a global push towards increased accessibility for all.
Ceo and Owner of Paschall Access Solutions Jason Paschall

Jay Paschall’s leadership is a beacon of hope for the blind community, guiding them toward a world of empowerment and inclusion. With Jay Paschall at the helm, the Paschall Access Solutions sails towards uncharted waters, discovering new horizons of accessibility and opportunity.

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