Author name: admin

Additional resource links to help expand our lives! The MAGAZINES

Access World Magazine for the Blind: AccessWorld Home | American Foundation for the Blind ( Are you losing your eyesight and don’t know what to do or where to turn? You’re not alone, start below! VisionAware ( Get a (FREE) white cane for travel! Free White Cane Program | National Federation of the Blind (

Additional resource links to help expand our lives! The MAGAZINES Read More »

Interested in working? Part-time or full-time? Perhaps accessible entrepreneurship?

! Employment can improve the life and confidence of blind persons by allowing them to use their special strengths. For example, lists several examples of jobs that allow people with visual impairments to use their special strengths. In addition, new technologies and changing attitudes are opening more and more doors for visually impaired people

Interested in working? Part-time or full-time? Perhaps accessible entrepreneurship? Read More »

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