www.AccessiblePASS.net Accessibility Policy

At www.AccessiblePASS.net we are committed to ensuring that our online platform is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We strive to provide an inclusive online experience for everyone, and we place special emphasis on catering to the needs of individuals with visual impairments and users of screen readers.

Our commitment to accessibility includes:

  1. WCAG Compliance: We have designed our website in efforts to be in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at the AA level, which is recognized as the international standard for web accessibility. Our website is regularly audited and tested to ensure its compliance with these guidelines.
  2. Screen Reader Compatibility: We have implemented features and practices that facilitate easy navigation and interaction with our website using screen readers and other assistive technologies. This includes providing alternative text for images, ensuring proper document structure, and using accessible forms and controls.
  3. Keyboard Navigation: Our website can be fully navigated and used with a keyboard alone, without the need for a mouse or other pointing device. We have tested and optimized keyboard navigation to ensure a seamless experience.
  4. Resizable Text and Layouts: Users can adjust the text size and layout of our website to meet their individual needs. The website’s content remains legible and usable when text is enlarged.
  5. Compatibility with Assistive Technologies: We strive to make our website compatible with various assistive technologies and ensure that it works effectively with commonly used screen readers, magnification software, and speech recognition tools.
  6. Feedback and Contact Information: If you encounter any accessibility issues while using our website, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your feedback and are committed to making all reasonable efforts to address and rectify any accessibility concerns promptly.
  7. Ongoing Improvement: Accessibility is an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to continually improving the accessibility of our website. We regularly review our practices, conduct accessibility audits, and seek feedback from users to make necessary improvements.

We believe that accessibility is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of providing an equitable online experience. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where all users can access the information and services on our website without barriers.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or encounter any accessibility challenges while using our website, please contact us at PASS1@AccessiblePASS.net or call:

 (267) 437-3098.

Your input is essential in helping us maintain and improve the accessibility of www.AccessiblePASS.net.

Date of Policy: October 01, 2023.

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