Paschall Access Solutions (About Us) Page
About our owner and his vision….
Jay Paschall, as professionally known, is a blind visionary who lost his eyesight in 1999 due to a drive-by tragedy in the city of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. After learning how to re-group as a blind person he quickly realized the world is different as a disabled person, even friends and family seemed to change. Publicly, opportunities for disabled people were slim and are still not readily available, and for a minority blind black man, things were even harder.
Instead of feeling sorry for himself, and with the faith passed down from his mother, Jay began to use his previous high school and college educations to pick himself up. Jay began by attending specialized blindness related schools and training organizations to grasp his new life as a blind person, then he began to rapidly advance in blindness related access technology, namely the JAWS screen reader. After becoming a blind small restaurant owner in Northeastern Pennsylvania, Jay began professionally training as an Access Technology Trainer for the blind and low vision.
Now with his feet firmly wet as an upcoming trainer, Jay began working with the Computer Assistance Program (CAP) of the federal; government and started training abroad. Jay trained soldiers blinded from war at the Walter Reid Medical Center, CDC Control, Army Core of Engineers and more. From 2011 – 2017, Jay began training the blind and low vision Verizon customer service representatives throughout the United States; as a corporate contract trainer, Jay was responsible for creating curriculum for Verizon’s proprietary system, demonstrating how to use access technology to engage the system, service accounts, thus giving the blind a way of earning a comparable living.
Through his (CAP & Verizon) years, Jay continued to take online courses to advance is career potential, eventually deciding to form his own access technology organization. Now focused on becoming a small business owner/entrepreneur once again, jay enveloped himself in several business courses, from leadership management to marketing and advertising, to accounting and business taxes. Several years later Paschall Access Solutions was created (PASS) and is now a multi – functional (Access Solutions) organization providing services to the blind, low vision, disabled and matured sectors in the greater Philadelphia Pennsylvania region!
“Where The Access Technology Revolution Begins”